Onthe70 thanniversary of theoutstanding scientist and patriot Arif Guliyev


Lea dershipisaresponsibility, amissionofthechosen, adutyand an honour, a privilege that magnifies destiny Arif Guliyev

To build such a successful career, ArifGuliyev had to sacrifice a lot, learn himselfand teach others,helpand sometimessave people; heproved both in word and deed that he corresponds to the title of a leader.As the unquestionable authority Heydar Aliyev said: "Nationality is a source of pride for every human being. I was and am always proud to be Azerbaijani". These words truly characterize the personality of Arif Jamil ogluGuliyev, outstandingscholar, wisediplomat, friend ofUkraine, son ofgloriousAzerbaijan, whowas born on July4 in sunnyAzerbaijan. In 2022, we celebrate his 70th birthday.

Arif Jamil ogluGuliyev wrote these words about national leader of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev: "Deeds make a man great, but to do great things you must not be above people, you must be with them". We can confidently say the same words about ArifGuliyev, a disciple of the national leader of the people of Azerbaijan, who daily confirms this credo with his scientific achievements, promoting in every possible way the strengthening of friendly and fruitful relations between Ukraine and the Republic of Azerbaijan. Having considerable experience in leadership, diplomatic and publicistactivity, the jubilee constantly uses it in his scientific and pedagogical work, reflects it in his scientific works, public speeches, interviews to the press, as well as informal communication with colleagues.

His life was permeated by loyalty and honesty, whilea sense of justice sometimes prevented him from advancing in his career, but no matter how thorny the path of ArifGuliyev was, he always achieved success. А number of national and international prizes - and this is only the beginning is an evidence of his fruitful scientific and practical work. With age ArifGuliyev increased his influence in the society, gained equal friends: influential politicians, public figures, diplomats... Turning to his biography, as well as his journalistic articles, one can note that all activities of Professor Guliyev were aimed at increasingtheauthorityofUkraineand Azerbaijan in theinternational arena, strengthening diplomatic relations and cultural ties between our peoples.He paid special attention to enhancingthe role of the institution of presidency in state development, establishment of democratic and legal framework and protection ofstate interests. At the same time, the scientist is distinguished not only by the number of his publications, but also by the broadness of topics of research of the jubilee and fundamentality of his approaches. The scientist hasachieved significant successin thestudyofthelawofforeign relationsand the fight against terrorism. This area is the subject of his fundamental monographs, textbooks, PhD and doctoral dissertations. In scientific publications of professor Guliyev scientific approaches and author's style, his views on fundamental social problems are clearly expressed.


ArifGuliyev graduated from the Faculty of History of the Azerbaijan StateUniversity, afterwards he studied at Baku Military School, in 1989 he graduated from the 10th year ofSuvorovSchool in Kiev, in 2002 he graduated from National State University under the President of Ukraine. He began his career as a secretary of the village council, which allowed him to reveal and develop his talent of organiser, his ability to work with and for people. That iswhyfor alongtimeheworked in higherpositionsin theKomsomol and party bodies of Azerbaijan. He needed his leadership experience as director of the Barda Vocational Lyceum.

Since 1998 ArifGuliyevhas worked in Ukraine: he has been a correspondent for the presidential administration's newspaper “Khalq Gazet»in Ukraine. Since 2001 he has been a Diplomat in the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Ukraine. From2007 he worked as an Associate Professor and then Professor at the Department of International Law ofthe Instituteof International Relationsof National Aviation University. Currently Arif Guliyev is a Professor of the Kyiv Institute of Intellectual Property Law of the National University "Odessa Law Academy".

The scientist devotes muchattention to the public activities of Azerbaijanis – as Chairman of the "Scientific Council of the Azerbaijanis of Ukraine" and the "Instituteof People's Diplomacy".

Arif Guliyev - has the state awards of Ukraine and the Republic of Azerbaijan, in particular, he was awarded the title of "Honored Educator of Ukraine", he was awarded by the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev the "Taraggi" (Progress) Medal, the Diploma "NASU 1918-2018", the Medal "Narodna Shana to Ukrainian Scientists 1918-2018", he is the recipient of the "Bridges of Friendship Ukraine-Azerbaijan". He has been awarded the Badge of Honour "For Achievements in the Development of Culture and the Arts" and others.He is supported by a strong family: a wife, two sons, a daughter and 3 grandchildren.

Hisvocationistoserve hishomelandandtodohisbesttomakeeverynew dayajoyfulone...

"Outstanding personalities demonstrate to the world the intelligence, science, culture and moralityofthepeople,"said Heydar Aliyev. Asascholar and diplomat ArifJamil ogluGuliyevmade a great contribution to the development of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Azerbaijan, people-to-people diplomacy and the studyof international law. Indeed, welivein an extremelyfast-paced world, whosedynamismoften doesnot allowus to think about the true values of life.

The historyof Arif Jamil oglu Guliyev's stay in Ukraine, his stories about his studies, work, scientific life, views on international relations, in particular on the development of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Ukraine, allow us to perceive many realitiesin a newway. The traditional ties of friendship have always existed between the Ukrainian and Azerbaijani peoples. As ArifGuliyevrightlystresses, the foundation ofanyinteraction is its participants. The basis of any state is not only its known attributes of statehood, but mainly the people living on its territory, aware of their spirituality, culture, traditions, national values and beliefs.

The merit of the author is the concreteness, evidence and simplicity of thepresentation of information, even the most complex. For example, the in-depth analysis of the conflict in Nagorny Karabakh, based on scientific methodology, carried out in his doctoral dissertation"Comparative Legal Analysis of the Role of the Presidency in Countering International Terrorism (on the Example of Ukraine and the Republic of Azerbaijan)", defended by the Institute of Legislation of the Supreme Council of Ukraine, allows to explore the cause and effect relationship of this tragedy...

As a true Citizen, having deep filial, patriotic feelings towards Azerbaijan, where Arif Jamil oglu Guliyev was born, and Ukraine, where he has been living and working foralongtime, in hisnumerousscientificpublications, in particular,in 4 volumes ofscientific works "Ukraine-Azerbaijan relations: law, politics, diplomacy" Professor Guliyev brightly expressed his scientific approaches and author style, his views on fundamental social problems, the beauty and uniqueness of his favorite countries.

Thejubileestrives todevelopand increasethefriendshipbetween thetwonations and to instil these feelings in his surroundings. For us personally, the jubilee is a person whose acquaintance leaves a vivid mark on our souls and a memory in our hearts. A man of vast life experience, with established views, who, guided by noble goals, does his best tochangetheworldforthebetterandhelpotherstodoso. Toquote Heydar Aliyev: "True spiritualitycannot bebought for millionsorbillions". That isexactlywhat our jubileehero is like. The interests of his country are always above all for him.


Today is a special day, July 4, 2022, the day when Arif Guliyev celebrates his 70th birthday. We, his friends, associates and, of course, family, colleagues, students and all of uswhoat least oncein our liveshavecomeintocontact with thisbright and kind man, who know about his generosity, subtle sense of humour and loyalty to his principles - do not hold back: congratulate the birthday boy, praise him - he deserves all the best. Be sincere, do not spare words and memories. Arif Jamil oglu Guliyev has an inherent abilityto think creatively and poetically. Personally we recollected many beautiful moments related to Arif Guliyev while writing this article, these bright episodes may become part of memoirs in future. True leadership grows from individuality. Every praise is deserved, even if it is too late. Heydar Aliyev used to say: "My hero is my conscience. I did not want to be like anybody else". It should be noted that the hero of the day is distinguished by his sense of justiceand clear conscience. Behappy, dear Arif Guliyev, let your lifebe full ofbright and joyful days. Live happily ever after in the company of your relatives and loved ones in a peaceful and harmonious society, in a free country.A true leader always does what isright, you are such a Man! Go ahead and lead your like-minded people to success.


Sergei Ivanovich Pirozhkov - Vice-President of the National

Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics,

Professor, Academician ofthe National Academy of Sciences

of Ukraine, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,

 Honoured Workerof Scienceand Technologyof Ukraine;  


Veronika V. Chekaljuk - D. in social communications,

publicist, image-maker, doctoral student at the Taras Shevchenko

National Universityof Kyiv (2013-2016), assistant professorat the

Departmentof ournalismand Language Communicationatthe

National University Of Biores