2021 November. We present the pages of the next i...
2021 November. We present the pages of the next issue of Kyiv Diplomatic Magazine, which will be published in December this year. https://kyivdiplomatic.com/en/news/1874 BIOHACKING а way to control our bodies Why is it necessaгy to start with the normalization of our bodies" health indicators and then think about anti-aging mediciпe? Who are biohackers? Why would you become one of them and why did the developmcnt of medical gadgets skyrocket now of аІІ times? OLEKSII ВASHKIRSEV, Chief Physician at Edem Resort Medical & SPA complex, MD-PhD, Academician with the European Academy of Natural Sciences, Member of the Supervisoгy Board of Singularity University (Kyiv) in exponential medicine, iпternatioпal expert on anti-aging medicine, member of the American Academy of Anti-Лge Medicine, told us about it in an interview.