2020. December. We present the pages of the next i...
2020. December. We present the pages of the next issue of the magazine. https://kyivdiplomatic.com/en/news/1035 Olena Zelenska met with women – ambassadors of foreign countries to Ukraine First Lady Olena Zelenska held an informal meeting with women – ambassadors of foreign countries to Ukraine. In particular, the meeting was attended by Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Ukraine Melinda Simmons, Ambassador of Argentina Elena Leticia Teresa Mikusinski, Ambassador of Canada Larisa Galadza, United States Chargés d"affaires ad interim to Ukraine Kristina Kvien, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany Anka Feldhusen, Ambassador of Finland Päivi Maarit Laine, Ambassador of Croatia Anica Djamić and Ambassador of Montenegro to Ukraine Dragica Ponorac.